Hi! I am Linda Shaw
Welcome to my website. I am an author, speaker and teacher. I write horoscopes for assorted magazines and speak about astrology and spirituality.
I teach intimacy, better sex, astrology, numerology, tarot and healing – and I’m a reiki master. I also have a range of crystal energy jewellery that I sell online.
My new book, HOROSCOPE HOTTIES serves as the introduction to a set of webinars and talks about intimacy and better relationships. I think we can all learn to be better lovers – and if we can’t all be Beethoven, at least we can all learn to play the piano.
I was inspired to write my book by a woman who told me she was leaving her boyfriend because, although she loved him, he was hopeless in bed and she kept trying to avoid having sex with him. I thought this was a terrible shame – and I realized I could help people become better lovers, using astrology as a fun springboard.
I was born in Wales, UK. My father believed the family would fossilize if they stayed in one country for longer than two years. So I spent much of my young life packing suitcases.
I now live in Johannesburg, South Africa, where I regularly appear on radio and television.